def f2(x, *args, **kwargs):
        return 10 / x
        return 0

def f1(x):
    y = f2(x, truc=3,lol=4)
    y = f2(0)
    return y + 2

t = traceur.DummyTrace(f1)

#  ===  Result: ===

 === Entering New Frame f1 (11083448) ===
       1  LOAD_GLOBAL          0          f2
[<function f2 at 0x7f196bd9ad48>]
       5  LOAD_FAST            0          x
[2, <function f2 at 0x7f196bd9ad48>]
       9  LOAD_CONST           1          truc
['truc', 2, <function f2 at 0x7f196bd9ad48>]
      13  LOAD_CONST           2          3
[3, 'truc', 2, <function f2 at 0x7f196bd9ad48>]
      17  LOAD_CONST           3          lol
['lol', 3, 'truc', 2, <function f2 at 0x7f196bd9ad48>]
      21  LOAD_CONST           4          4
[4, 'lol', 3, 'truc', 2, <function f2 at 0x7f196bd9ad48>]
      25  CALL_FUNCTION        513        513
 === Entering New Frame f2 (11085976) ===
       1  SETUP_EXCEPT         18         22
       5  LOAD_CONST           1          10
       9  LOAD_FAST            0          x
[2, 10]
      13  BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE   None       None
      15  RETURN_VALUE         None       None
 === Returning to Frame f1 11083448===
      29  STORE_FAST           1          y
      33  LOAD_GLOBAL          0          f2
[<function f2 at 0x7f196bd9ad48>]
      37  LOAD_CONST           5          0
[0, <function f2 at 0x7f196bd9ad48>]
      41  CALL_FUNCTION        1          1
 === Entering New Frame f2 (11086920) ===
       1  SETUP_EXCEPT         18         22
       5  LOAD_CONST           1          10
       9  LOAD_FAST            0          x
[0, 10]
      13  BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE   None       None
[<class 'ZeroDivisionError'>, ZeroDivisionError('division by zero',), <traceback object at 0x7f196b7b1368>, None, None, None]
      23  POP_TOP              None       None
[ZeroDivisionError('division by zero',), <traceback object at 0x7f196b7b1368>, None, None, None]
      25  POP_TOP              None       None
[<traceback object at 0x7f196b7b1368>, None, None, None]
      27  POP_TOP              None       None
[None, None, None]
      29  LOAD_CONST           2          0
[0, None, None, None]
      33  RETURN_VALUE         None       None
 === Returning to Frame f1 11083448===
      45  STORE_FAST           1          y
      49  LOAD_FAST            1          y
      53  LOAD_CONST           6          2
[2, 0]
      57  BINARY_ADD           None       None
      59  RETURN_VALUE         None       None